Southern Cooking Baked Cod

Fresh Cod
Spray Oil Oil
Bread Crumbs to sprinkle
Salt, Pepper Parsley
Fresh Lemon
Tomato and Green Pepper to garnish
Preheat over to 400 degrees. Spray fish with olive oil. Dredge in Bread crumbs. Sprinkle seasonings.
Bake in heated 400 degree oven for 10 minutes or until fish starts to flake. The time will depend on the thickness of the fillets. Be vigilant as you do not want them to overcook.
Have the cauliflower and carrots ready to steam - water boiling. Start them steaming when fish goes in the oven. When cauliflower and carrots are almost tender, add the spinach to one side. Fresh spinach doesn’t take long to cook - about three minutes.
Be sure to warm the plates prior to serving. Always keep an eye to the arrangement of food the plate or in the serving dish, remembering to tempt the eye before the palate.